I am an artist . There were a lot of interesting trips, events and activities in my life.

My service in the project is to peel and cut vegetables for the chef, who later prepares the meals. I don’t feel any difficulties, because every time I go there, it feels like I’m coming home: association with close-minded people, working together… It’s like meeting a family. There are a lot of interesting topics to discuss, while doing a good deed
I’m feeling empty on my days off and missing the fulfilment, that I’m getting from participating in the Food for Life Kyiv.
Because even if I come here tired, it is here that I am filled with positive energy, as if I come alive and soar in spirit. I feel great support here. This feeling of fulfillment inspires me to come and help people.

Here I feel that my work, however small, is needed. That I don’t just live like that. That I have the opportunity to help people and make this world a better place.
And I am also supported and inspired by the volunteers themselves, who are doing everything possible for the project to exist, so we can feed people every day. Many of them went to hot spots and distributed lunches there. I admire such people and their selflessness.

I want something more in this life… not only “home-work-kitchen-toilet”. So I think, were my relatives who are no longer alive happy? What did they usefully do? What did they do to make the world a better place? They thought only about work, family problems, diseases. And then death came and that’s all…
I don’t want to live like this. I want something more. Let my life outwardly look the same: home, work, diseases and death… But I will feel happier, because I live a little in another world – in my small world contained in a huge universe.
Yes, sometimes I’m in a bad mood, something doesn’t work out, I got off on the wrong foot, but I know that when I come here, I’ll feel better right away. When you help others, you feel that God needs you. You fulfill his request and feel like a small but necessary part of something big and integral.