We distribute more than 200 portions of hot vegetarian food every day in Cherkasy and Smila.
There are three ways you can also take part in our mission:
- by becoming a volunteer
- donating any amount of money to buy groceries
- pay the delivery of our hot meals to our distribution points
Please contact us : info@foodforlife.org.ua
Read the reports below.
- 572 portions
- The menu included:
- dal, borscht, baked potatoes, salad, puree, meatballs, kulish, bread, pasta soup and other delicacies
- 259 portions
- The menu included:
- dal, borscht, pickle, kulish, buns, sweet balls, lentil soup, khichri and other delicacies
- 572 portions
- The menu included:
- dal, borscht, pickle, kulish, buns, sweet balls, lentil soup, khichri and other delicacies
- 35 liters of borscht with paneer
- 35 sweet rice porridge 35 liters of drink
- 100 buns
- About 10 volunteers participated
- 755 portions
- The menu included:
- dal, borscht, pickle, kulish, buns, sweet balls, lentil soup, khichri and other delicacies
- 942 portions
- The menu included:
- dal, borscht, pickle, kulish, buns, sweet balls, pasochki, lentil soup, khichri and other delicacies
- 500 portions
- The menu included:
- dal, borscht, buns, sweet balls, lentil soup, khichri and other goodies

- 710 portions
- The menu included:
- dal, buns, sweet balls, lentil soup, khichri and other delicacies
- 485 portions
- The menu included:
- dal, buns, sweet balls, lentil soup, khichri and other delicacies
- 500 portions
- The menu included:
- dal, buns, sweet balls, lentil soup, khichri, borscht and other goodies
- 6 volunteers
- 4 distribution points
- 2215 servings of prasad:
- dal, buns, sweet balls, lentil soup, khichri, borscht, and other goodies
- 6 volunteers
- 4 distribution points
- 755 servings of prasad:
- dal, buns, sweet balls, lentil soup, khichri, borscht, buckwheat porridge on ghee
- 6 volunteers
- 4 distribution points
- 1167 servings of prasad:
- dal, buns, sweet balls, lentil soup, khichri, pasta soup, croutons with sauce from friends from Poland, drink and pilaf with sausages from the sponsor company “Vegetus Ukraine”
- 6 volunteers
- 4 distribution points
- 190 servings: dal + bun + sweet balls
- 75 servings of pasta soup + croutons with sauce + drink
- 200 portions of lentil soup + rolls + some sweet balls
- 80 portions of pilaf with sausages + bread + drink
- 210 servings of buckwheat porridge with vegetables
- 73 servings of buckwheat soup + drink
- 195 servings of kichri + buns.
- 80 portions of oatmeal + vinaigrette + tomatoes + sauce + bread + drink
- 210 servings of borscht + buns.
- 76 portions of dal, croutons, vegetarian sausage, drink
- 6 volunteers
- 4 distribution points
- 200 servings: dal + bun + sweet balls
- 195 servings: lentil soup + rolls + some sweet balls.
- 195 servings: kichri + buns
- 7 volunteers
- 4 distribution points
- 190 servings of prasad:
- kichri + bun
- 73 servings: dal + bread + drink
- 7 volunteers
- 4 distribution points
- 215 servings: borscht + bun + sweet ball
- 70 servings of buckwheat soup with paneer + drink
- 7 volunteers
- 4 distribution points
- 180 servings of prasadam: buckwheat porridge with vegetables + sweet ball
- 67 servings: pasta with sausages + drink
- 7 volunteers
- 4 distribution points
- 200 servings: lentil soup + bun + sweet balls
- 7 volunteers
- 4 distribution points
- 195 servings: dal + bun + sweet balls
- 7 volunteers
- 4 distribution points
- 200 servings of prasadam: borscht + bun + sweet balls.
- 72 servings: rice soup with sausages + bread + drink
- 7 volunteers
- 4 distribution points
- 180 servings: lentil dal + bun + drink
- 70 servings: wheat soup with sausages + bread + drink
- 7 volunteers
- 4 distribution points
- 155 servings of prasadam: kichri + bun + sweet ball
- 7 volunteers
- 4 distribution points
- 150 servings: dal + bun + drink
- 75 servings: pasta soup with paneer + bread + drink
- 7 volunteers
- 4 distribution points
- 150 servings: lentil dal + bun + drink
- 70 servings of kichri + bread + drink
- 9 volunteers
- 5 distribution points
- 70 servings of prasad:
- kichri, buns, sweet buns
- 9 volunteers
- 5 distribution points
- 115 servings of prasad:
- borscht with sour cream, bun
- 9 volunteers
- 5 distribution points
- 110 servings of prasad:
- pea dal, bun, sweet ball
- 9 volunteers
- 5 distribution points
- 90 servings of prasad:
- lentil dal, bun, drink
- 9 volunteers
- 5 distribution points
- 85 servings of prasad:
- buckwheat porridge with vegetables
- 11 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 90 servings of prasad:
- borscht, buns, sweet buns
- 11 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 80 servings of prasad:
- dal, bun
- 68 servings: soup with pasta and vegetarian sausage, cottage cheese casserole, bread, drink
- 11 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 60 servings of prasad:
- kichri, bun, sweet ball
- 70 servings: sabji with vegetarian sausages, bread, drink
- 11 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 80 servings of prasad:
- lentil dal, bun, drink
- 65 servings: dal, bread, drink
- 11 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 80 servings of prasad:
- dal, buns
- 75 servings: soup with pasta, vegetables and vegetarian sausage, drink
- 11 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 110 servings of prasad:
- dal, bun
- 80 servings: dal, sour cream, bread, drink
- 11 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 225 servings of prasad:
- kichri, bun
- 70 servings: rice soup with vegetarian sausage, bread, drink
- 11 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 210 servings of prasad:
- borscht, bun, sweet ball
- 70 servings: bulgur soup with vegetarian sausage, bread, drink
- 11 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 210 servings of prasad:
- dal, bun, sweet ball, drink
- 73 servings: pasta with vegetarian sausage, bread, drink
- 11 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 145 servings of prasad:
- buckwheat porridge with vegetables, sweet balls
- 70 servings: buckwheat soup with vegetables, drink
- 11 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 75 servings of prasad:
- kichri, bun
- 80 servings: dal, bread
- 11 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 270 servings of prasad:
- borscht, bun
- 72 servings: brown rice with vegetarian sausage, bread, drink
- 11 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 210 servings of prasad:
- dal, bun, sweet ball
- 69 servings: soup with pasta and vegetarian sausage, bread, drink
- 1 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 220 servings of prasad:
- lentil soup, bun, sweet ball, drink
- 70 servings: bulgur soup, anchovies (vegetarian), bread, drink
- 11 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 105 servings of prasad:
- dal, bun
- 72 servings: Ukrainian borscht with sour cream, bread, drink
- 10 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 160 servings of prasad:
- dal, bun
- 80 servings: dal, sausage, bread, drink
- 10 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 150 servings of prasad:
- dal, bun
- 70 servings: vermicelli soup with vegetarian sausage, bread, drink
- 10 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 280 servings of prasadam: borscht, bun, sweet ball
- 66 servings: pickle, bread, drink
- 10 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 270 servings of prasadam: lentil soup, bun, sweet ball, drink
- 69 servings: bulgur porridge, anchovies (vegetarian), bread, drink
- 10 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 180 servings of prasadam: dal, bun
- 70 servings: green borscht, sour cream, bread and drink
- 10 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 210 servings of prasad:
- borscht, bun
- 75 servings: pasta soup with vegetables, sausage, bread, drink
- 10 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 170 servings of prasad:
- dal, bun
- 70 servings: pasta with vegetarian sausage, pickle, drink
- 10 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 335 servings of prasadam: lentil soup, bun
- 65 servings: bulgur soup with anchovies (vegetarian), bread, drink
- 10 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 330 servings of prasadam: kichri, bun, sweet ball, drink
- 75 servings: pilaf with vegetables, beet salad, pickles and tomatoes, bread, drink
- 10 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 180 servings of prasadam: dal, bun
- 72 servings: vermicelli soup with sausage, sweet balls and a drink
- 10 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 180 servings of prasadam: borsch, bun
- 70 servings: buckwheat soup with vegetables, zucchini cutlet, sausage, bread, drink
- 10 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 180 servings of prasad:
- lentil soup-dal, bun, sweet ball
- 68 servings: pasta with vegetarian sausage, pickle, drink
- 10 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 300 servings of prasadam: dal, bun, sweet balls
- 65 servings: green borscht with paneer, bread, drink
- 10 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 300 servings of prasadam: kichri, bun, sweet ball, drink
- 76 servings: khichri with vegetables and paneer, bread, drink
- 10 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 180 servings of prasadam: dal, bun
- 71 servings: pasta soup with sausage and a drink
- 10 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 160 servings of prasadam: rice with vegetables and paneer, a bun
- 72 servings: dal, bread, drink
- 10 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 180 servings of prasadam: lentil soup-dal, bun, sweet ball
- 70 servings: pasta with vegetarian sausage, drink
- 10 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 300 servings of prasadam: borsch, bun
- 69 servings: wheat soup with vegetables, bread, drink
- 10 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 300 servings: kichri, bun, sweet ball, drink
- 72 servings: bulgur porridge with vegetables, vegetarian sausages, ketchup, cottage cheese and spinach dumplings, bread, drink
- 10 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 165 servings: dal, bun
- 70 servings: pasta soup with sausage and a drink
- 10 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 160 servings of prasad: dal, bun
- 10 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 155 servings: lentil soup-dal, bun
- 72 servings: bulgur porridge with anchovies, drink
- 10 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 160 servings: dal, bun, drink
- 70 servings: chickpea soup with vegetables, bread, drink
- 10 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 270 servings: borscht, bun, sweet ball, drink
- 69 servings: oatmeal, vegetarian sausage, cheese, baked apples, bread, drink
- 10 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 195 servings: kichri, bun
- 71 servings: barley soup with sausage and a drink
- 10 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 150 servings: buckwheat porridge with vegetables and paneer, bun
- 70 servings: buckwheat soup with paneer, a drink
- 10 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 160 servings: borscht, bun, drink
- 68 servings: barley soup with sausage, bread, drink
- 10 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 215 servings: lentil soup, bun, sweet ball, drink
- 68 servings: pearl barley porridge, veggie sausages, bread, drink
- 10 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 145 servings: dal, bun, sweet ball, drink
- 66 servings: pasta soup with vegetables, cheesecakes and a drink
- 10 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 140 servings: lentil soup, bun
- 10 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 135 servings: dal, bun, drink
- 70 servings: pearl barley porridge with vegetables, bread, drink
- 10 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 165 servings: borscht, bun, sweet ball, drink
- 65 servings: wheat soup with vegetables, pumpkin casserole, bread, drink
- 10 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 225 servings: dal, bun, sweet ball, drink
- 70 servings: kichri, bread and drink.
- 10 volunteers
- 6 distribution points
- 180 servings: kichri, buns
- 68 servings: barley soup with chickpeas and vegetables, bread and drink
- 12 volunteers
6 distribution points - 180 servings:
- buckwheat porridge with vegetables and paneer + bun
- 68 servings: buckwheat porridge with gravy and vegetables, casserole (spinach + pumpkin + potatoes), drink
- 12 volunteers
6 distribution points - 145 servings: dal + bun + drink
- 66 servings: vermicelli soup with vegetables, bread, drink
- 12 volunteers
6 distribution points - 170 servings: lentil soup + bun + sweet ball + drink
- 71 servings: pearl barley with vegetables, bread and butter, drink
- 12 volunteers
6 distribution points - 175 servings: dal + bun + sweet ball + drink
- 68 servings: dal, bread and butter and drink
- 12 volunteers
6 distribution points - 180 servings: kichri, buns
- 65 servings: millet soup with vegetables, bread and drink
- 12 volunteers
6 distribution points - 110 servings: lentil soup + bun
- 12 volunteers
6 distribution points - 135 servings: rice with vegetables + bun + drink
- 12 volunteers
6 distribution points - 175 servings: dal + bun + sweet ball + drink
- 65 servings: rice porridge with vegetables, bread and butter, drink
- 12 volunteers
6 distribution points - 180 servings: borscht + bun + sweet ball + drink
- 64 servings: spread, bread and butter and drink
- 12 volunteers
6 distribution points - 165 servings: kichri, buns
- 68 servings: pearl barley with vegetables, bread and butter and a drink
- 12 volunteers
6 distribution points - 145 servings: rice porridge with vegetables and paneer + bun
- 60 servings: rice and vegetable lasagna, bread and drink
- 12 volunteers
6 distribution points - 150 servings: buckwheat with vegetables
- 63 servings: buckwheat soup, fried potatoes with spinach and a drink
- 12 volunteers
6 distribution points - 155 servings: lentil soup + bun + sweet ball + drink
- 67 servings: pumpkin vegetable soup, bread and butter, drink
- 12 volunteers
6 distribution points - 176 servings: borscht + bun + sweet ball + drink
- 65 servings: pearl-vegetable porridge, bread and drink
- 12 volunteers
6 distribution points - 125 servings: kichri, buns
- 63 servings: wheat and vegetable soup, bread and drink
- 12 volunteers
6 distribution points - 145 servings: buckwheat porridge with vegetables and paneer + bun
- 65 servings: rice and vegetable soup, bread and drink
- 12 volunteers
6 distribution points - 133 servings: pumpkin soup + bun
- 66 servings: kichri, spinach rolls and a drink
- 12 volunteers
6 distribution points - 174 servings: rice with vegetables + bun + sweet ball + drink
- 60 servings: pasta vegetable soup, pickles, bread, drink
- 12 volunteers
6 distribution points - 160 servings: lentil soup + bun + sweet ball + drink 63 servings: rice and vegetable porridge, bread and drink
- 12 volunteers
6 distribution points - 125 servings of dal
- 65 servings: vegetable soup + bread + drink
- 12 volunteers
6 distribution points - 144 servings of borscht
- 65 servings of vegetable soup
- buns
- bread
- drink
- 12 volunteers
6 distribution points - 111 servings of lentil soup
- 66 portions of the mailer
- zucchini casserole
- buns
- sweet balls
- bread
- drink
- 12 volunteers
6 distribution points - 138 servings of buckwheat
- 60 servings of buckwheat soup
- cucumbers and tomatoes
- buns
- sweet balls
- drink
- 12 volunteers
6 distribution points - 141 servings of dal
- zucchini casserole
- 63 servings of pearl vegetable porridge
- pickled cucumbers
- beetroot puree
- buns
- sweet balls
- bread
- drink
- 12 volunteers
112 servings of rice with vegetables and paneer - 65 servings of vegetable soup
- zucchini casserole
- buns
- bread
- drink
- 12 volunteers
105 servings of dal - zucchini casserole
- buns
- sweet balls
- bread
- drink
- 12 volunteers
103 lentil soup - 63 servings of bulgur
- pudding
- buns
- bread
- drink
- 12 volunteers
133 servings of rice - 65 servings of soup
- cottage cheese and spinach casserole
- buns
- sweet balls
- bread
- drink
- 12 volunteers
140 portions of dal - 60 servings of kichri
- tomatoes
- buns
- bread
- drink
- 12 volunteers
93 servings of kichri - buns
- 12 volunteers
103 servings of dal - buns
- 65 servings of vegetable soup
- zucchini casserole
- bread
- drink
- 12 volunteers
144 servings of lentil soup - buns
- sweet balls
- 63 servings of vegetable sabji
- bread
- drink
- 12 volunteers
139 servings of buckwheat - buns
- sweet balls
- 65 servings of noodle soup
- salad
- bread
- drink
- 12 volunteers
98 servings of kichri - 60 portions of buckwheat
- salad
- bread
- drink
- 12 volunteers
90 servings of kichri - buns
- 65 servings of vegetable soup
- bread
- drink
- 10 volunteers
107 servings of dal - 80 buns
- 10 volunteers
110 portions of rice with vegetables - 80 buns
- sweet balls
- drink
- 10 volunteers
132 servings of lentil soup - 120 buns
- 10 volunteers
130 servings of borscht - 120 buns
- sweet balls
- drink
- 10 volunteers
93 servings of kichri - 80 buns
- sweet balls
- drink
- 10 volunteers
97 servings of kichri - 80 buns
- 10 volunteers
104 servings of rice with gravy - 80 buns
- sweet balls
- drink
- 10 volunteers
97 portions of dal - 80 buns
- 10 volunteers
135 servings of buckwheat with vegetables - 120 buns
- sweet balls
- drink
- 10 volunteers
125 servings of kichri - 120 buns
- sweet balls
- drink
- 12 volunteers
90 l dal - 80 buns
- 12 volunteers
- 84 liters of rice with gravy
- 80 buns
- 66 liters of pearl barley with vegetables
- bread
- drink
- 12 volunteers
136 p lentil soup - 120 buns
- sweet balls
- 60 l of pearl soup, zucchini casserole
- bread
- 120 portions dal
- 120 buns
- 70 servings of sabzh
- bulgur
- cucumber
- bread
- drink
- 90 servings of kichri
- 90 buns
- 65 servings of pearl barley soup
- bread
- drink
- 93 servings of kichri
- 100 buns
- 65 servings of kichri
- pasta soup
- cottage cheese casserole
- bread
- drink
- 105 servings of rice with gravy
- 100 buns
- 60 servings of kichri
- bread
- drink
- 12 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 157 servings of dal
- 150 buns
- 60 servings of rice soup
- zucchini casserole
- bread
- drink
- 12 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 130 servings of dal
- 120 buns
- sweet balls
- 63 servings of pearl barley porridge
- bread
- drink
- 12 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 108 servings of buckwheat with vegetables
- 100 buns
- 52 servings of buckwheat soup
- bread
- drink
- 12 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 127 portions of rice with gravy
- 120 buns
- 66 servings of barley soup
- bread
- drink
- 12 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 135 servings of lentil soup
- 120 buns
- 60 servings of khichri with paneer and fresh cucumbers
- bread
- drink
- 12 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 157 servings of dal
- 120 buns
- sweet balls
- drink
- 65 servings of pasta soup
- 64 pieces of cottage cheese biscuit
- 12 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 181 servings of borscht
- 150 buns
- sweet balls
- 63 portions of pearl barley with vegetables and pickled cucumber paneer
- bread
- drink
- 12 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 130 servings of kichri
- 120 buns
- 60 servings of barley soup
- 64 pieces of zucchini casserole
- bread
- drink

- 12 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 142 servings of borscht
- 120 buns
- 66 servings of buckwheat soup
- bread
- drink
- 12 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 137 servings of rice with gravy
- buns
- 60 servings of millet porridge with vegetables and paneer
- zucchini casserole
- bread
- drink
- 12 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 198 servings of lentil soup with paneer
- buns
- sweet balls
- drink
- 58 servings of pickle
- cottage cheese casserole
- bread
- 12 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 174 servings of dal
- sweet balls
- 150 buns
- 60 servings of kichri
- zucchini casserole
- bread
- drink
- 12 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 133 servings of kichri
- 120 buns
- 60 servings of green borsch with sour cream
- zucchini casserole
- bread
- drink
- 12 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 143 servings of kichri
- 120 buns
65 servings of green borsch with sour cream - bread
- drink
- 12 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 140 portions of rice with sauce
- 120 buns
- drink
- 60 portions pearl barley with vegetables
- fresh cucumbers
- curd biscuit with currant
- bread
- 12 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 181 servings of dal
- sweet balls
- 150 buns
- 60 portions of pasta soup
- plum
- zucchini casserole
- bread
- drink
- 12 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 175 servings of borsch
- 150 buns
- sweet balls
- 60 portions of kichri
- plum
- zucchini casserole
- bread
- drink
- 12 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 135 portions of kichri
- 120 buns
- 55 servings of rice and barley soup
- apricots
- zucchini casserole
- bread
- drink
- 12 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 130 servings of dal
- 120 buns
- drink
- sweet balls
- 66 portions of pasta soup
- zucchini casserole
- bread
- 12 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 135 portions of rice with gravy
- 120 buns
- drink
- 60 portions of kichri
- cherries
- bread
- 12 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 180 portions of chickpea soup
- 150 buns
- sweet balls
- drink
- 52 portions of pickle soup
- zucchini casserole
- bread
- 12 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 185 servings of borsch
- 150 buns
- drink
- 64 portions of oatmeal with vegetables
- lightly salted cucumbers
- 70 pieces of bread
- 12 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 134 portions of kichri
- 120 buns
- drink
- 60 portions of barley soup
- 64 servings of cheese biscuit
- cucumbers
- 55 pieces of bread
- 12 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 118 servings of khichri
- 100 buns, sweet balls, 70 servings of chickpea soup, halwa, cucumbers, bread, drink
- 12 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 120 servings of dal
- 120 buns, sweet balls, 60 servings of khichri, pita bread with cheese and dill, cherries, bread, drink
- 12 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 154 servings of dal
- 150 buns, sweet balls, 50 portions of barley soup, apple, bread, drink
- 13 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 160 servings of borsch
- 120 buns, sweet balls, 40 portions of cheese and rice pudding with tomatoes, cucumbers, bread, drink
- 12 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 125 servings of khichri
- 120 buns, 70 servings of dal, drink
- 13 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 120 servings of khichri
- 100 buns, 70 portions of rice with sauce, drink
- 12 volunteers
- 3 distribution points
- 226 servings of khichri
- Bread, 65 portions of okroshka, 120 buns, 125 portions of rice with sauce, drink
- 12 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 220 servings of dal
- 150 buns, 70 portions of khichri
- Drink
- 14 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 307 servings of borsch
- 120 buns, pies with potatoes
- Sweet balls, drink
- 14 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 157 servings of khichri
- 150 buns, 75 servings of rice with sauce, vinaigrette
- Drink
- 14 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 127 portions of rice with sauce
- 120 buns, 85 portions of dal, oatmeal
- Sweet balls, drink
- 14 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 120 servings of dal
- 120 buns, 80 portions of oatmeal with vegetable sauce
- Sweet balls, drink
- 14 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 206 servings of borsch
- 150 buns, 75 servings of chickpea soup, pies with potatoes, cherries and apples
- Sweet balls, drink
- 14 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 80 servings of khichri
- 195 buns, 195 servings of chickpea soup
- Sweet balls, drink
- 13 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 134 portions of rice with tomato sauce
- 120 buns, 50 portions of rice soup, pita bread with cheese filling and greens
- Sweet balls, drink
- 13 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 117 servings of dal
- 120 buns, 45 portions of roast with chickpeas, 50 pieces of pita bread, pickles
- Sweet balls, drink
- 13 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 234 servings of borsch
- 190 buns, 40 portions of dal with paneer
- Sweet balls, drink
- 13 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 45 servings of khichri
- 195 buns, 209 portions of chickpea soup
- Sweet balls, drink
- 13 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 139 servings of khichri
- 200 buns, 50 portions of chickpea soup with vegetables
- Drink
- 12 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 75 portions of buckwheat with vegetables and paneer
- 80 buns
- Drink
- 12 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 146 portions of rice with tomato sauce
- 60 servings of dal
- 210 buns
- Drink
- 12 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 220 servings of dal
- 45 portions of pilaf
- 210 buns
- Drink
- 12 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 218 servings of borsch
- 50 portions of kulish
- 200 buns
- Drink
- 12 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 233 portions of chickpea soup
- 50 servings of khichri
- 150 buns
- 120 sweet balls
- Drink
- 13 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 123 servings of dal
- 50 portions of buckwheat soup
- 150 buns
- 280 sweet balls
- Drink
- 12 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 120 portions of rice
- 50 portions of buckwheat with paneer
- 150 buns
- 75 pea cutlets
- Drink
- 12 volunteers
- 2 distribution points
- 168 servings of dal
- 40 servings of borsch
- 150 buns
- 120 sweet balls
- Drink